Article 1. Administration. 1

4-101... Definitions. 1

4-102... City inspector; creation. 1

4-103... City inspector; scope of article. 1

4-104... City inspector; reports of city inspector; new methods; council rules. 1

4-105... City inspector; duties. 1

4-106... City inspector; appeals from decision of city inspector. 1

4-107... Inspections; scope. 2

4-108... Inspections; access. 2

4-109... Inspections; request. 2

4-110... Inspections; approval required. 2

4-111... Inspections; final. 2

4-112... License; scope of license requirements. 2

4-113... License; application and issuance of license. 3

4-114... License; insurance required. 3

4-115... License; type of license. 3

4-116... License; restricted to work specified on license. 4

4-117... License; suspension and revocation of license. 4

4-118... License; contents. 5

4-119... License; display. 5

4-120... License; fees. 5

4-121... License; renewal. 6

4-122... Building permits; application; approval. 6

4-123... Building permits; fees. 6

4-124... Permits; reinspection fees. 7

Article 2. Building Code. 8

4-201... International building code incorporated. 8

4-202... Amendments; minimum requirements. 8

4-203... Definitions. 9

4-204... Building contractor defined. 9

4-205... Building; inspections. 10

4-206... International residential code incorporated. 11

Article 3. Plumbing and Gas-Fitters Code. 12

4-301... International plumbing code incorporated. 12

4-302... Plumbing; definitions. 12

Article 4. Electrical Code. 13

4-401... ICC Electrical Code 2006 and the National Electrical Code 2005 incorporated. 13

4-402... Electrical; definitions. 13

4-403... Radio and other interferences. 13

4-404... Radio and other interferences; complaint procedure. 13

4-405... Radio and other interferences; duty of person. 14

4-406... Radio and other interferences; inspections. 14

Article 5. Mechanical Code. 15

4-501... International mechanical code incorporated. 15

4-502... Mechanical; definitions. 15

4-503... Mechanical; inspections. 15

Article 6. Dangerous and Unfit Structures 16

4-601... Purpose. 16

4-602... Definitions. 16

4-603... Enforcing officer; duties. 16

4-604... Procedure; petition. 16

4-605... Same; notice. 17

4-606... Same; publication. 17

4-607... Same; hearing, order. 17

4-608... Duty of owner. 17

4-609... Same; failure to comply. 17

4-610... Same; make site safe. 18

4-611... Assessment of costs. 18

4-612... Immediate hazard. 18

4-613... Appeals from order. 18

4-614... Scope of article. 19

Article 7. Moving Buildings. 20

4-701... Permit required. 20

4-702... Applications for permits. 20

4-703... Same; bond. 20

4-704... Same; fee. 20

4-705... Notice to owners. 20

4-706... Duty of owners. 21

4-707... Interfering with poles; wires. 21

4-708... Inspection. 21

4-709... Display of lanterns. 21

Article 8. Manufactured Homes. 22

4-801... Definitions. 22

4-802... Location. 24

4-803... Utilities. 24

4-804... Construction. 24

4-805... Placement. 24

4-806... Anchorage. 24

4-807... Skirting. 25

4-808... Permit for placement of homes. 25

4-809... Inspection. 25

4-810... Site requirements. 25

4-811... Foundation and construction. 25

4-812... Camping trailers. 27

4-813... Site requirements. 27

4-814... Foundation and construction. 27

4-815... Manufactured home space. 27

4-816... Driveways. 27

4-817... Management. 27

4-818... Outdoor living area. 28

4-819... Service buildings. 28

4-820... Construction permit. 28

4-821... License. 28

4-822... Park inspection. 28

4-823... License fees. 29

4-824... Enforcement. 29

4-825... Recreational vehicle use. 29

4-826... Storage. 29

4-827... Penalty. 29

Article 9. Heat Loss Standards And EER.. 30

4-901... Definitions. 30

4-902... Certificate of compliance. 30

4-903... Standards. 31

Article 10. Wind Energy Conversion Systems. 32

4-1001.  Permit required. 32

4-1002.  Definition. 32

4-1003.  Permit; contents. 32

4-1004.  Setback. 32

4-1005.  Distance from other WECS. 33

4-1006.  Maintenance. 33

4-1007.  Access. 33

4-1008.  Interconnections; requirements. 33

4-1009.  Insurance required. 33

4-1010.  Removal for noncompliance. 34

4-1011.  Permits; validity. 34

4-1012.  Permits. 34

Article 11. Television and Radio Antennae. 35

4-1101.  Rules and regulations. 35

4-1102.  Definitions. 35

4-1103.  Permit required. 35

4-1104.  Fees. 35

4-1105.  Application. 35

4-1106.  City administrator; duties; rights and powers. 36

4-1107.  Unlawful to interfere with city administrator. 36

4-1108.  Notice for inspection. 36

4-1109.  Liability for damages. 36

4-1110.  Technical requirements. 37

4-1111.  Minor repairs without permit. 38

4-1112.  Electrical and building ordinances of city. 38

4-1113.  Application to existing antennae. 38

4-1114.  Authorizing additional rules. 38