Article 1. Utility Accounts; Generally. 1
15-102. Utility
accounts; duties of the city clerk. 1
15-104. Billing;
collection. 1
15-105. Office
hours of city clerk. 1
15-106. Claims
against the city. 2
15-107. Purchase
of materials and supplies. 2
15-110. Utility
service fees. 2
15-202. Superintendent
of the electric distribution department; position created; duties. 5
15-203. Superintendent
of electric generation department; position created; duties. 5
15-206. Application
and contract for service connection. 6
15-209. Meters;
location, removal and repair. 7
15-212. Meter
reading conclusive. 7
15-214. Shutting
off current. 8
15-215. Employees
to have access. 8
15-217. Special
requirements. 8
15-218. Rates,
rules and amendments. 8
15-219. No
liability on city. 9
15-222. Same;
character of service. 9
15-223. Same;
Schedule R-2014. 9
15-225. Same;
availability. 10
15-226. Same;
character of service. 10
15-227. Same;
Schedule CSP-2014. 10
15-228. Payment
of electrical charges; delinquent bills; late charge. 10
15-229. Notice
and hearing. 10
15-230. Disconnection
and reinstatement charges. 11
15-231. Parallel
electrical generation contracts. 11
15-232. Customer
compensation provisions. 11
15-233. Operating
procedures, control and protective devices. 11
15-302. Superintendent
of water department; position created; duties. 12
15-305. Application
and contract for water service. 13
15-307. Service
connection fee. 13
15-308. Connections
by city. 13
15-309. Extensions
of water mains. 14
15-310. Plumbing
and service pipes. 14
15-311. Excavation
in street. 14
15-312. Curb
stop and waste cocks. 14
15-313. Check
valves required. 15
15-314. Meter
installation. 15
15-316. Testing
water meters. 15
15-318. Shutting
off mains. 15
15-321. Old
service lines, removal. 16
15-322. Notice
to discontinue service; rights reserved. 16
15-323. Special
or temporary services. 16
15-324. Property
damage unlawful. 17
15-325. Pollution
of water unlawful. 17
15-327. Payment
of charges; delinquent bills; late charge. 17
15-328. Notice
and hearing. 18
15-329. Disconnection
and reinstatement charges. 18
Article 4. Sewage Disposal System.. 19
15-402. Superintendent
of sewage disposal system department; position created; duties. 19
15-405. Unlawful
sewage deposits. 21
15-406. Privies;
septic tanks. 21
15-407. Connections
required. 21
15-409. Contract
for connection. 22
15-410. Private
disposal system. 22
15-411. Same;
permit, fees. 22
15-413. Same;
connection to public system. 22
15-415. Same;
additional requirements by health officer. 23
15-417. Disposal
of raw sewage; license required. 23
15-418. Same;
city has right to refuse. 23
15-419. Installation,
connection permits. 23
15-420. Same;
costs borne by owner. 24
15-421. Separate
sewer for every building. 24
15-422. Old
building sewers. 24
15-424. Downspouts,
drains. 24
15-425. Connection
to public system. 24
15-426. Inspection
before connection to public system. 24
15-427. Barricades
and lights. 25
15-428. Storm
and surface water. 25
15-429. Unlawful
discharges. 25
15-430. Same;
discretion of superintendent. 25
15-433. Pretreatment
at owner’s expense. 27
15-434. Inspections,
manholes. 28
15-435. Superintendent
may enter premises; inspection. 28
15-437. Industrial
cost recovery. 29
15-440. Same;
payment; delinquent bills; late charge. 31
15-442. Penalties
and violation. 32
15-443. Sewer
connections outside city limits. 32
15-502. Superintendent
of the refuse department; position created; duties. 33
15-505. Time
of collection. 34
15-506. Method
of disposal. 34
15-507. Duty
of owner, occupant. 34
15-510. Enter
private property. 35
15-511. Ownership
of solid waste. 35
15-513. Heavy,
bulky waste. 35
15-514. Construction
and demolition. 35
15-515. Acceptable
items to be placed in containers. 35
15-516. Hazardous
materials. 35
15-517. Prohibited
practices. 36
15-518. Objectionable
waste. 36
15-519. Unauthorized
disposal. 36
15-520. Unusual
situations. 37
15-521. Collection
charges. 37
Article 6. Cross Connections. 39
15-601. General
information. 39
15-605. Maintenance
and repair. 44
Article 7. Non-Public Domestic Water Wells. 46
15-701. Registration
required; application contents. 46
15-702. Drillers registration, bond and
insurance. 46
15-703. Notice
required prior to site work. 47
15-704. Requirements for abandoned
wells. 47
15-706. Authority
to seek injunctive relief. 47
15-707. Minimum
construction standards adopted. 48
15-708. Authority
to discontinue. 48
15-709. Grandfather
clause. 49
Article 8. Water Emergency/Drought 50
15-803. Declaration
of water watch. 50
15-804. Declaration
of water warning. 51
15-805. Declaration
of water emergency. 51
15-806. Voluntary
Conservation Measures. 51
15-807. Mandatory
conservation measures. 51
15-808. Emergency
water rates. 52
15-810. Violations,
disconnection and penalties. 52
15-811. Emergency
termination. 53